Friday evening was gorgeous- and so with nothing better planned- I went for a walk along the old Train Line that runs from Finsbury Park to Highgate. This is an old abandoned Train line that has been allowed to return to a wild state- with trees growing up through what were once stations and platforms.

Parkland walk is very popular for walkers, joggers and cyclists and is normally busy- but luckily for me I seemed to have alot of the way to myself which is just as I like it.
I even found a lovely old apple tree which had lots of lovely apples ripening - so was able to grab a few for the rest of my walk! They were usually shaped with angular sides as opposed to the normal rounded apples you see in shops.
Once i reached the old tunnels at highgate- you have to leave the walk and can either make you way into Queens Wood which is a beautiful woodland (highly recommended in the spring for the woodland flowers eg Anemones) or walk up in Highgate village itself and onto Hampstead Heath.
I chose to walk into Highgate village and went and explored Waterlow Park- which is a beautiful Park just on the high street. The have a few ponds a lovely sloping lawn and even a Wildlife hospital.
My eye was drawn to the vegetable gardens there- as local community groups had been given individual beds to tend. They looked really pretty!
The sun had set by this point and I walked home back along the track in the twilight and was able to watch the bats flying up and down the walk.
A beautiful way to spend one of the last summer evenings of 2011.
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