Thursday, 22 September 2011

The Allotment in September

Ok so the allotment is just beginning to look a little tired as we come to the final full productive month in the year. But there are several plants at their peak in september- the autumn fruiting raspberries and blackberries are ripening their fruits in the late summer sun- making a very welcome snack to have when im up there. I must grow more soft fruit next year- these blackberries are delicious!!

The Rainbow chard at the front will beginning dying back as the cool nights approach but the kale behind should keep through the winter.

The apples are ready to pick- if you can find some that havent been munched on! Luckily we have a whole tree to pick from!

The Romanesco Cauliflower is growing well- although a few of the tips are distorted from where they had been pushing through the leaves- but should straighten up- cant wait to try this!

Black Tuscan Kale should last through the winter with fresh leaves to pick in mild periods.

Brocolli should be picked soon before the frosts begin

My yellow courgettes are in full pelt- how long can they keep going?!!

Are these edible? My Mushroom ID skills are not up to much- so dont think I can risk it which is a shame.

YUM! A couple of our really tasty apples from the tree!

With the cooler nights already arriving- many of the plants will stop fruit and leaf production- so all that is left to do is dig out the rest of the potatoes and start tidying up the summer crops, and begin to plan what I want to grow next year! :)

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