Ok so you would have thought with only 1 window sill to look after- combined with my passion for gardening- that my window sill garden would be looking pretty damn amazing! Sadly not- i have yet to discover plants that seem to like living on a shady windy window sill- things dry out too quickly and the shade doesnt suit alot of plants. The photo above show the sill back in january.
By April it can be seen below the Stipa already is sadly looking like it has dried out one too many times- the mini christmas tree is looking surprsingly good though- ive had it 2 christmas's already. The seedlings at the front are broccoli, cabbages and sunflowers for the allotment.
I decided by June that enough was enough! Things had to go! The stipa has already croaked it and been replaced in its pot by the Phormium that had been in a 3" pot for months! It bought a rosemary with the idea of having drought tolerant herbs in there.

So decided to clean everything up, chuck, give away or put in the front garden the plants that didnt need to be on the window sill. And I bought 2 Lavenders, and 2 Purple Sages to go in the trough along with the Rosemary. And here it was in early August.

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