Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Allotment in September

A quick visit to my allotment provided me with some lovely late ripening fruit and a chance to check that everything was ok up there.

Above I let a sucker from a floppy stuffy rose grow out in preference to the man made variety and over the course of 1 season has provided me with much more interest than the cultivar could. Look at all the lovely rose hips! Im hoping for even more next year! I did wonder about what I could use them for- but havent found a recipe that has interested me enough yet to try so left these for the wildlife.

The Globe artichokes flower heads had just gone over but are still looking beautiful and hopefully will provide some birds with some food.

I got my first and only pear from my small tree! Im hoping for more next year! :)

The sunflower seed heads were placed on the compost heaps and its easy to see were a hit with someone! Either a bird or mouse has come and pulled them up and eaten them there and then! Great to see!

And lastly a surprise for some very late strawberries! They were delicious!

1 comment:

  1. now why havent you blogged since November!! And you have disappeared from twitter. Good to get your comment, think you should go for bright annuals on the windowsill


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